Office Address

Van Boshuizenstraat 12, 1083 BA Amsterdam

Email Us

Phone Number

(06) - 12-798-166(Whats)

Get In Touch

Do you have a question? View our FAQ or contact us or a Aribeca dealer using the form below.

    View our frequently asked questions.

    Our Customer Service does its utmost to answer questions asked by email. However, we would first like to refer you to our FAQ, where you will find an overview of our frequently asked questions.

    Do you urgently need help or service?

    Because we enter into our service subscriptions on a collective basis, we can standardly maintain a lower price than you would pay without a Care By Aribeca subscription. Our data has shown that every Aribeca saves an average of 20%. You also get priority with the loan bicycle and express service and the bicycle is picked up and delivered free of charge with every subscription.

    Contact Aribeca

    Would you rather contact Aribeca personally? Please complete the contact form below and we will do our best to assist you as quickly as possible. We can also be reached by telephone from Monday to Friday between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM via; (06) - 12-798-166(Whats).

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